万花筒 2011-01-01&01-02 卡梅伦祝贺英格兰板球队卫冕阿什杯(在线收听

 It was absolutely fantastic I think the guys have really given everyone back at home something to celebrate this Christmas. It was a great team performance. So I watched quite a lot that I got one morning to watch. Last night, I went to bed with my Blackberry, so can I keep up on the score. A great team performance and to do that in Australia first time in 24 years they made the whole country pride and rightly so.

You describe that’s a great, late Christmas present for England. 
Well, that’s right, because after the great win we had and losing the test in Perth. You weren’t quite sure which way it’s gonna go and that fantastic performance was always through this match. I think it’s very right sense building the England just playing as the skier’s doing a brilliant job. Andrew Strauss (is) a great Captain. But really a great performance for everybody, so I think it gave everyone something, you know, with all this weather, I do think, you need something to cheer about them. Seeing the sundown there, we’re seeing the performance so well. I think it’s given everyone a great lift and well done to all of them a really really deserved victory. And I look forward to welcoming them to No.10 Downing Street when they get back.