AP 2012-03-22(在线收听

 1. Attorney John Henry Browne says it was one of the most emotional meetings of his life. He met with the American soldier he is representing, staff sergeant Robert Bales. Bales is accused of killing 16 Afghan civilians. He's being held at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas.

2. Racism and anti-Semitism may be behind a deadly shooting outside a Jewish school, as well as last week's similar attacks on paratroopers in France. That's the word from the mayor of Toulouse in Southwestern France. French officials say the gun used to kill four people at the school was the same one used to kill three paratroopers who were of North African and French Caribbean origin.
3. Mitt Romney is campaigning in President Barack Obama's home state. Illinois holds its presidential primary Tuesday with 54 delegates at stake.
4. And Peyton Manning may soon be a Denver Bronco. ESPN is reporting the four-time NFL MVP has instructed his agent to complete a deal with the Broncos. 