听歌学英语:父爱无言,大爱无疆 Hide Away(在线收听

听歌学英语:父爱无言,大爱无疆 Hide Away

上一期向大家介绍过因演唱电影《春娇与志明》当中的几首插曲而备受关注的华人女歌手曲婉婷,今天继续推荐的这首歌曲——《Hide Away》,便是曲婉婷在慢慢尝试创作之后,在父亲生日时,写给父亲的歌。这首歌曲很直白的描绘了这样一个父亲的形象:平时沉默寡言,也从不会对女儿表达自己的感情、说我爱你,但却无时无刻不用行动来表达!都说:父爱无言,却大爱无疆!那么接下来,让我们一同在歌曲当中细细体味那份伟大的父爱……

Hide away---曲婉婷

You don’t ask much, but when you do你从不多问,但你问起时
It’s always sincere and true总是那么真诚
You don’t talk much, but when you do你从不多说,但你说的时候
It’s rarely about you, but I can still learn something new虽然很少与你有关,但我总能学到新的东西
You know I’m gonna love you all the way你知道我一直都爱你
Though-these three little words I never heard you say虽然我从未听过你说那三个字
I’m ready when you are我已准备听你说
It’s not too late to start这开始并不算太晚
I never wanna be apart我从不想和你分开
But we are, without love尽管分离,但爱仍然相连
I know you’re ready yes you are对,我知道你准备好了
Because the red is in your heart因为你我心血相连
I know you’ll never be too far away我知道你一直都离我不远
Because I’m your baby you’re my hide away 因为我是你的宝贝,而你深藏在我心底
You don’t argue, but when you do 你不喜欢争论,但你议论时
You always have good reasons to总有好的理由
You don’t break down, but the day you did你一直很健康,但那天你病倒了
My heart dropped to the ground我的心破碎在了地上
So I stood there, and cried along所以我站在那,一直哭
You know it's gonna take a lot to push me away你知道付出再多也不能将我推离
But time is running out I need to hear you say .但是时间也所剩无几我需要听你说



1.Family and friends are hidden treasures. Seek them and enjoy their riches.

2.Your home may be poor and humble, but your duty lies there. You should try to make it cheerful and comfortable. The greater the difficulties, the richer will be your reward.

3.A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is a man.

4.Today, as I approach that edge, as I am the one with the teenage daughter, I look at my mother through different eyes. And I sometimes wish I could halt the years and stop her from growing older, stop her from repeating herself.
