

  误译:The torrents of rain flooded the street, and many cars drowned。
  正译:The torrents of rain flooded the street, and many cars were drowned。
  解释:在这里,“泡汤”有“被水淹没”的意思。to drown 的意思是to complete cover sth in water,即“淹没”,为及物动词。“汽车泡汤”,就是“汽车被淹没”,应该用被动语态。
  “泡汤”的第一个意思是“浸泡在汤里”。英语可以译为 to be immersed in soup。例如:
  1.我认为吃米饭泡汤对胃不好。I don't think that eating the rice immersed in soup does any good to the stomach。
  “泡汤”的第二个意思是“被水淹没”。英语可以译为 to be drowned, to be immersed in water。例如:
  2. 这场倾盆大雨过后,至少有20辆汽车在被水淹的地下车库泡汤了。After the heavy rainfall, at least 20 cars were immersed in water in the flooded underground car park。
  “泡汤”的 第三个意思是“在温泉里沐浴或洗浴”。英语可以译为 to bathe in a hot spring。例如:
  3. 冬天,他喜欢到温泉泡汤。In winter, he enjoys bathing in a hot spring。
  “泡汤”的 第四个意思是“怠工”或“磨洋工”。英语可以译为 to dawdle, to loiter。例如:
  4. 现在干活泡汤的吃不开了。Those who dawdle over their work have now become unpopular。
  “泡汤”的 第五个意思是“落空”。英语可以译为to come to nothing, to dash to pieces,to fall through。例如:
  5. 由于管理不善,他的投资全部泡汤了。As a result of bad management, his investment came to nothing at all。
  6. 由于干旱歉收,村民丰收的希望泡汤了。Due to the crop failure caused by drought, the villages' hope for good harvest dashed to pieces。