VOA标准英语2012--Walking Program Pairs Patients with Doctors(在线收听


Walking Program Pairs Patients with Doctors

These days Mary Halpin loves to walk.

“This walk is just giving me life, you know.”

6 years ago, Halpin could barely walk half a block. Now she can go 20 times longer. “Depending upon the block, it can be between 10 and 12 city blocks.” 

She says it’s thanks to an Exercising Program called “Walk with the Doc”. Cardiologist Andrew Freeman leads Denver’s monthly “Walk with the Doc”. 

“We are trying to break down barriers. And make it so that the patient can find their doctor. Talk to them informally. And then watch them actually preach what they practice, oh, practice what they preach, sorry.” 

The morning begins with the free test for blood pressure and lung capacity. 

“Right now, and then you can take a big breath in.” 

“Very Good. Keep going.” 

And then they are all. 

“And I started this in March. And I’ve lost 17 pounds and 2.5 sizes since then.” “Because my mum lies me.” “I have high blood pressure and my doctor said “Come, do this thing”.” 

“Everybody seems to be passing us by. But we are walking still so. That’s the important part.” 

Diane Kinsellas says her husband’s recent heart surgery means it’s safer to walk with medical experts. Doctor Freeman says that better health often follows when people exercise at least 150 minutes a week. 

“You want to be short of breath, sweating if it’s warm enough and unable to complete a sentence. That’s how you know you are working hard enough.” 

Mary Halpin says that these days she often walks more in her neighborhood. “I don’t feel I’m almost 75, Ha Ha Ha. You know, I feel as good as I did when I was 50.” She said she will be back next month to “Walk with the Doc”. 
