学个词Learn a Word 第1502课 mince words(在线收听

  今天我们要学的词是mince words。Mince, 是切碎,to mince words 就是把话说得婉转。这个短语通常用在否定句里,not to mince words, 就是说话直接,不兜圈子。 "A frank person never minces words," 一个坦诚的人从来都是想什么说什么。 "Tell me what you think, and don't mince your words," 告诉我你的真实想法,直说,别兜圈子。弗朗索瓦.奥朗德击败现任总统萨科齐,当选法国总统。此前, "The two candidates minced no words and traded insults in their only TV debate of the election campaign," 他们两人在总统选战的唯一一场电视辩论上唇枪舌剑,毫不留情地互相攻击。好的,今天我们学习的词是mince words...
