学个词Learn a Word 第1543-split(在线收听

  今天我们要学的词是 split. Split is spelled s-p-l-i-t, split. Split 做为形容词,有劈开的,裂开的意思。比如,Lawmakers are split along party lines on the proposal. 对于这项提案,立法人员的态度按党派分成两个阵营。Analysts are split on their predictions for economic recovery. 分析人士对经济复苏的预期,存在意见严重分歧的两大阵营。Americans are split down the middle on the Supreme Court's decision to uphold President Obama's health care law. 美国联邦最高法院表决,支持奥巴马总统医保改革法案的决定,美国人对此一半人支持,一半人反对。好的,今天我们学习的词是 split, split, split...
