老外专业恶搞iPhone 5:最长屏幕让Bodytime成可能(在线收听

 We don't want to change your phone, we wanna make you say, Wow, that is a bigger change than I expected.Iphone 5 is a result of  that desire to surprise.

我们不仅要改变手机。还希望听到用户感叹,哇!太出乎人意料了。iPhone 5 就是带着这样的渴望诞生的。
It's been completely redesigned. For the first time ever, we' ve increased the size of display by making the screen taller but not wider.
iPhone 5 就是带着这样的渴望诞生的,采用全新设计,破天荒的配备的更大的屏幕,屏幕宽度不变,但增加了长度。
You can see more of your content without the need to scroll. We are making scrolling the thing of the past.
iPhone 5 is more comfortable to use and reduces scrolling fatigue when reading long documents.
iPhone 5 使用更舒适,减轻了阅读长文章带来的疲劳感。
Even with the larger display, iphone 5 is the thinnest iphone we ever built. To achieve the the design this tall, we have to look at it and completely redesign the internal architecture. It's 18% thinner and 79.5% taller than the previous iphone.
It makes everything you do on iPhone 5 feels easier and just move of your arm away. No more hidden menus, no confusing gestures.Everything is right at your fingertips.
iPhone 5 使用更方便,伸出手臂没有不能完成的操作,告别隐藏菜单和麻烦的操作,一切触手可及。
The panorama feature is simply awesome. The ultra HD widescreen display let you get your entire shot in a single snap. You can also use youriPhone 5's innovative design for image stablization.
全景功能酷毙了,超宽屏幕让取景一气呵成。iphone 5还能提高成像稳定性。
With an iphone this tall, reception has never been better. You enjoy crystal-clear clarity on even the longest calls.
And of course, all your favorite apps are still available. In fact you will find your old favories also benefit from the new experiencing handsome ultra HD widescreen. We found while many previous iphone owners were using Facetime, they only use it for the faces. That's why we are introducing Bodytime. Using iPhone 5's ultra HD widescreen display, Bodytime let you see a person's entire body, allowing you to detect mannerisms and defects like never before.
We look way beyond what we thoughts expects, it took all of our learning ,all of our thinking to realize something so simple, so clear, and yet so tall.
iPhone 5, the tallest thing to happen to iphone since iphone.
iPhone 5,史上最长的iPhone 手机 。