
 -- I could totally get a girlfriend if I actually tried.

-- Shut up! 只要我认真去,我一定能把到妹。闭嘴
Thousands of people are building relationships online at our site. What are you doing? You're probably just looking like a loser sitting on a couch with like a strap sweatshirt and some stupid hippy haircut. 很多很多人在我们的网站上找到另一半。你呢,在做什么?或许你就像个笨蛋一样坐在沙发上,穿着条纹汗衫,头上有个难看的发型。
-- Five, six, seven, eight. 五、六、七、八...
-- Hey, Anthony, can you help me with...Are you practicing for Circus De Olay again? 嘿,Anthony,你可以帮我一下吗?你又在练太阳马戏团的舞吗?
-- No...? What do you want? 才不是!你想怎么?
-- Can you...Help me get a girlfriend? 你可以...帮我找女朋友吗?
-- All you gotta do is act like a jerk, girls eat that crap up like strawberry cheese cake. Like this hottie tottie over here. Watch and learn! 你只要演得像个笨蛋就行。女孩最爱这套,就像爱草莓起司蛋糕一样爱。看那边的正妹!看着学吧!
Rule #1: Act like a jerk. 守则1:演笨蛋
-- Hey, Can I see your water bottle? 嘿,我可以看一下你的水杯吗?
-- Em...sure. 呃...好啊。
What are you...? 你在干...
-- So you wanna make out? 你想跟我亲热吗?
-- You sure you all right? 你确定你没事吗?
Lesson learned, don't be a jerk.上了一课,就是不要当笨蛋。
-- I'm fine! Okey? Now watch me impress some ladies with my manliness. Come on. 我没事好吗。现在看我怎么样用男子气概去吸引女生吧。来吧
Rule #2: Show your manliness. 守则2:展现男性魅力
-- I can feel the burn. Hey. 我感觉像在燃烧。嘿!
-- Ew! You should really use some Stainguard deodorant or something! Those yellow stains are disgusting. 拜托你用点体香剂什么的!那些黄色的污渍恶心死了。
Lesson learned, girls hate yellow. 上了一课,就是女生都讨厌黄色。
-- So, er, no luck with her either? 所以说,你运气也很背嘛。
-- Whatever! Okey? she gave me some stains deodorant though, look, no more yellow stains and smell my pits! 随便吧,反正她给了我一支超强的体香剂。看!没有黄色的污渍了。来,闻闻我腋下。
-- No, I'm... 不,我...
-- Dude, come on smell them! 来吧,快闻一下。
-- I don't wanna smell your... 我不想闻你的...
-- Smell my damn pits! 见鬼,闻我的腋下!
-- Oh! Actually smells pretty good! 咦,不错。
-- Yes, see? Oh, dude, check this out, I'm gonna use the same awesome to get this girl that I used to get my last girlfriend. 是吧?看,我要用把前女友的方法去把这个妹。
-- Dude she's hot! 她是个辣妹!
-- Come on man! 来吧
Rule #3: Use your secret weapon. 守则3:出动秘密武器
-- Hey girl, what's... 嘿,小姐。
-- Run!!!! 快跑!
Lesson learned, make sure it's not a man. 上了一课,就是要确定那不是个男的。
-- You know you still haven't... 其实你还是没...
-- Okey, I know I haven't. You're just dwelling off my game! You want me to get a girl? Huh? 你老是破坏我的好事。你要我把妹给你看吗?
-- All right, I'll do it, watch!好,我现在就去,看着吧
Rule #4: Don't limit your options. 守则4:不要限制你的选择
-- Just, please go out with me? 跟我约会吧!
-- No. 不。
-- Please? 拜托
-- No! 不。
-- I could get you another strawberry cheese cake, I could get like, five! 我可以多给你一个草莓起司蛋糕。我可以给你5个。
-- No!!! 不!!!
Lesson learned, women eat food. 上了一课,就是女生是吃食物的。
-- Come on, I have some really good... 拜托啦,我很棒的。
-- I'm never gonna get any girls ! 我永远也不可能有女朋友了!
-- Oh~ you poor baby. 噢,可怜的小宝贝。
-- What? Why? What the hell are you doing? 什么?!为什么!你在干什么?!
-- This poor boy was crying, and then I, I gave him my phone number to see if he wanted to talk about his feelings later. 这可怜的小宝贝在哭,所以我把我的电话号码给他了。看他待会儿想不想倾诉一下。
Send this video to a friend who can't get a girlfriend, or boyfriend. 把这段影片给没有女友的朋友看,或没有男友的朋友。