
   [00:01.56]Your dream girls can make your dreams come true 梦幻女郎使你梦境成真

  [00:06.04]We’re your dream girls 我们是你的梦幻女郎
  [00:06.72]Boys, we’ll make you happy 男生们,我们能取悦你
  [00:09.00]Yeah, yeah, yeah 我们是你的梦幻女郎
  [00:11.76]We’re your dream girls
  [00:12.44]Boys, we’ll always... 男生们,我们……
  [00:16.64]I’m amazed, Mr. Taylor. Much as I love my daughter, 泰勒先生,我吃惊的程度 犹如我爱我女儿一样
  [00:19.20]Deena has something better. She has a quality. 在唱歌以外,蒂娜有更好的品质
  [00:19.76]I never thought she had much of a voice. 我从未想过她唱得那么好
  [00:25.52]- You make her sound like a product. - Product. I like that. - 你把她说得好像一件货品 - 货品,就是这样
  [00:29.00]We’ll be there 永远在旁
  [00:32.48]Dream 梦幻
  [00:34.24]Dream girls will help you to survive 梦幻女郎和你走过人生
  [00:38.44]Dream 梦幻
  [00:42.68]Dream girls will keep your fantasies alive 梦幻女郎让你梦幻成真
  [00:44.00]Dream girls always love you and they’ll be true 梦幻女郎永远爱你 永远不变
  [00:47.16]Your dream girl can only make love to you 梦幻女郎只和你温存
  [00:53.24]I’m not the dream that you had before 这是前所未所的梦幻
  [00:54.40]I’m the dream that will give you more and more 令你爱我们更多更多
  [01:00.60]We’re your dream girls 我们是你的梦幻女郎
  [01:02.24]Boys, we’ll make you happy 男生们,我们能取悦你
  [01:06.32]Yeah, yeah, yeah
  [01:09.72]Boys, we’ll always care 男生们,我们时刻候命
  [01:09.84]We’re your dream girls 我们是你的梦幻女郎
  [01:13.92]We’re your dream girls 只要你开始梦想
  [01:16.88]Dream girls 梦幻女郎
  [01:17.40]Dream girls will never leave you 梦幻女郎长伴身旁
  [01:20.16]And all you’ve got to do is dream 只要你开始梦想
  [01:25.16]All you’ve got to do is dream 只要你开始梦想
  [01:29.24]All you’ve got to do is dream 只要你开始梦想
  [01:33.00]Baby, we’ll be there 我们就来
  [01:37.84]We’re your dream girls 只要你们开始梦想
  [01:39.28]Oh, yeah
  [01:40.76]Dream girls 梦幻女郎
  [01:43.24]All you’ve got to do is dream 只要你开始梦想
  [01:45.52]All you’ve got to do is dream 只要你开始梦想
  [01:48.48]Just dream, baby 开始梦想
  [01:50.96]We’ll be there 我们便来
  [01:55.08]We’ll be there 我们便来
  [01:59.96]We will be there 我们便来
  [02:04.28]We’ll be there 我们便来
  [02:30.92]Who was the first one to wear shiny clothes? 谁是第一个着闪光舞衣的歌手?
  [02:30.96]- Little Richard. - That was me, baby! I started that. - 小理查德 - 是我,小子!我创先
  [02:35.60]You remember that burgundy jacket I had with the bolt lightning on the back? 勃艮第外套 还有背后一道直直的闪电纹
  [02:37.28]Lightning was in glitter. Glitter’s shiny, baby. 闪电纹还是闪闪发光 光彩夺目,老兄
  [02:39.10]- Hey, Jimmy. ...Deena Jones and The Dreams. - 看,吉米 - …蒂娜·琼斯和梦幻女郎
  [02:43.56]Rumors at Abbey Road say 教堂路都曾有传言
  [02:46.44]George Martin is keen to work with the talented trio. 乔治·马丁很想和 这个三重唱乐团合作
  [02:46.76]Could they be ready to record with the Fab Four? 梦幻女郎又准备好 和披头四合唱没有?
  [02:50.24]Well, the boys will just have to wait. 他们可要耐心等待
  [02:53.04]These girls are busy blazing a trail across the globe. 梦幻女郎忙得不可开交 到全球各地开拓市场
  [03:04.52]People ask me how I came up with the sound. 有人问我怎样打造 梦幻女郎
  [03:06.52]I tell them it’s like making a great sundae. 我说那好像在弄 圣代冰淇淋
  [03:07.20]You start out with two scoops of ice cream, some sauce, 先来两勺冰淇淋 淋些果酱
  [03:08.20]- and then you put a cherry on top. - And is Deena the cherry? - 最后放一只樱桃 - 蒂娜就是那只樱桃?
  [03:16.00]Why, Miss Jones is the cherry, the nuts, the sauce, the cream 蒂娜是樱桃,是坚果仁 是果酱、是冰淇淋
  [03:17.36]- and the banana, too. - Miss Jones, right here. - 还包括香蕉呢 - 蒂娜,望这边
  [03:30.60]We look on with shock and dismay at the images we’re bringing you tonight. 今晚带给大家 是一连串骇人的片段
  [03:35.84]Detroit under siege and in flames as rioters and looters storm the city. 满城都是暴徒、劫匪 底特律被围困,火光四起
  [03:41.64]President Johnson has declared a state of emergency. 约翰逊总统已宣布 国家进入紧急状态
  [03:45.28]You used to be so light and free 你以往都是那么轻柔
  [03:46.36]You used to smile just looking at me 你总是对我浅笑盈眸
  [03:50.28]Now all you give is jealous hate 现在你只有妒忌仇恨
  [03:54.36]Come on, baby 来吧,亲爱的
  [03:56.32]Better lose some weight 最好能放下
  [03:58.20]Heavy, heavy 太沉重,太沉重
  [03:58.92]You got so heavy, baby 你太沉重了
  [04:04.16]Stop! 停!
  [04:07.64]Effie, what’s going on? You are still too loud. 艾菲,怎么了? 你唱得太大声
  [04:10.64]- I’m trying, Curtis. - Lf you don’t ease up, I’ll do it for you. - 我在试,君特 - 你再不压低声音,我就会帮你
  [04:12.24]Maybe we should just come back in the morning. 或许我们明早再继续录音
  [04:15.40]You know we can’t. The album’s already a month late. 你心知那不行 这专辑已迟了一个月
  [04:15.88]Look, I know you’re tired. You’re tired, right? 来,我知你很累了 对吧?
  [04:19.92]- Can I just get one more? - Okay. - 我们再来一次 - 好
  [04:20.20]All right? Okay. 还可以吧?好
  [04:21.48]Let’s get it right. 这次要认真做好
  [04:30.64]Record Heavy, Heavy. Take 30. 专辑《沉重》,第30次录音
  [04:35.08]Heavy, heavy 太沉重,太沉重
  [04:39.88]You got so heavy, baby 你太沉重了
  [04:43.08]Heavy, heavy 太沉重,太沉重
  [04:44.12]You got so heavy on me 你压得我透不过气
  [04:53.12]- Where do you think you’re going? - You’re a liar, Curtis. - 你想去哪里? - 你是个大骗子,君特
  [04:55.40]You’d better watch your mouth. 你最好小心说话
  [04:56.68]You’re sleeping with her and everyone knows! 你和她上床,人尽皆知!
  [05:00.32]Hey, hey, hey, don’t go out there! 嘻,嘻,嘻 不要出去!
  [05:07.28]Burn it up! 烧了它!
  [05:13.20]- We’re black-owned! - Yeah! 我们是黑人公司
  [05:16.16]- You all right? - I don’t feel well, Curtis. - 你还好吗? - 我不舒服,君特
  [05:18.56]CBS’s Star Cavalcade presents the incredible Dreams 哥伦比亚广播公司为你呈献 梦幻女郎
  [05:22.72]singing their latest hit, Heavy, Heavy. 献唱他们的最新单曲 〈沉重,沉重〉
  [05:23.72]You got so heavy, baby 你压得我透不过气
  [05:28.76]Heavy, heavy 太沉重,太沉重
  [05:30.56]You got so heavy on me 你压得我透不过气
  [05:34.72]You used to want nothing from me 你以前对我无欲无求
  [05:39.72]You used to say, "Let’s both be free" 总对我说"一起自由"
  [05:40.68]You used to dance instead of walk 总是舞动而不是伛偻
  [05:43.80]- Tighten up on camera two. Tighten up. - Move in, camera two. - 第2号摄影机推前 - 来个大特写,2号机
  [05:47.64]Heavy, heavy 你压得我透不过气
  [05:50.56]You got so heavy, baby 你压得我透不过气
  [05:51.56]Talk, talk, talk 说吧,说吧
  [05:54.60]Heavy, heavy 你压得我透不过气
  [05:55.40]Talk, talk, talk 说吧,说吧
  [05:58.00]Heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy 太沉重,太沉重
  [06:09.60]Effie, you’re going crazy! Tell me, what have I done? 艾菲,你疯了! 告诉我,我做错了什么?
  [06:13.68]You stole my dream, Deena, and you stole my man! 你夺去我的梦想,蒂娜 又夺了我的男友!
  [06:15.32]I don’t want to hear that kind of talk out of you... 我不想再听你说这些话…
  [06:18.36]Don’t act like you don’t know what this is about! 你不要对我装聋扮哑
  [06:19.96]Effie, stop screaming. Everybody can hear you. 艾菲,不要吵 人人都听到你说什么了
  [06:20.36]I don’t care! Let them all hear! 我才不管!就让他们听!
  [06:23.76]I’m warning you, Effie, you stop bringing us down! And get back there! 我警言你,不要再拖累我们! 回去录像厂!
  [06:24.16]Why, Curtis? You don’t need me. All you care about is her bony ass! 为什么,君特?你不再爱我 只爱她那瘦屁股!
  [06:29.28]You better back off. 你最好听话
  [06:33.48]Or what? 不听话又如何?
  [06:37.76]I didn’t think so. 没我奈何吧
  [06:47.48]Love, love me, baby 爱我爱我,亲爱的
  [06:50.60]Love, love me, child 爱我爱我,可人儿
  [06:54.64]’Cause, baby, baby, baby You’re driving me wild 因为亲爱亲爱的 我爱你爱得发疯
  [06:57.92]Listen, listen, listen. The mirrors got to turn together, guys. 听着,所有镜子要同一时间转动
  [06:59.10]They got to dance. 他们要舞动
  [07:03.40]Mr. Taylor? We have a bigger problem on our hands. 泰勒先生?我们还有个大问题
  [07:05.68]Do I have to remind you that it’s New Year’s Eve? 你应该记得表演是在除夕夜?
  [07:07.60]Burt, don’t worry about it. I’ve got it taken care of. 伯特,不要担心 我会处理好
  [07:09.08]These people are paying 50 bucks. They expect to see three girls. 人客付了50大元 是要来看三个女郎
  [07:13.36]Trust me. 信我
  [07:17.80]- Curtis, I just don’t feel right about this. - It’s done. - 君特,一切不太妥当 - 已成定局
  [07:41.96]Wardrobe needs you first. 先换衣服
  [07:49.04]We are a family 我们是一家人
  [07:50.40]Like a giant tree 就如一棵大树盘根
  [07:51.52]Branching out toward the sky 枝叶伸展到天空
  [07:53.52]We are a family 我们是一家人
  [08:00.68]- I’m sorry I’m late. - Effie. - 对不起,我迟了 - 艾菲
  [08:02.92]C.C., sorry I missed rehearsals. 斯斯,对不起,没来排练
  [08:05.56]But I went to the doctor, and I am feeling much better now. 我去了看医生 现在我好多了
  [08:08.20]What are you talking about, baby? It’s New Year’s Eve. 这是什么话,宝贝? 今晚是除夕夜
  [08:10.10]Yeah. Curtis just stepped out to make a call. 君特刚走去打电话
  [08:12.60]Why don’t you go up to your room and later he’ll come up and talk to you? 你还是先回房 稍后他来和你谈
  [08:17.88]I said, I’m fine. 我说我很好
  [08:21.72]Excuse me. I have to get dressed now. 失陪,我先去换衣服
  [08:25.92]Oh, God, I’m so nervous. 噢,天呀,我很紧张呢
  [08:27.12]I got all the steps down, but those harmonies... 我记熟了舞步 但和声还不很…
  [08:33.08]C.C., what’s going on? 斯斯,是什么一回事?
  [08:35.68]Lorrell, what’s going on? 罗慧,发生了什么?
  [08:37.44]- Effie, Curtis was supposed to... - Love me. - 艾菲,君特是要… - 爱我
  [08:41.72]Curtis was supposed to love me. 君特是要爱我
  [08:45.60]There you are, Effie. I’ve been looking all over. 你终于来,艾菲 我四处在找你
  [08:49.56]I turn my back and find myself out on the line 我转身走 然后发觉已被人出卖
  [08:52.76]You could have warned me 你可以先警告我
  [08:55.92]But that would have been too kind 但你不会对我如斯宽容
  [08:58.00]I’ve been warning you for months to clean up your act. 我已警告你多月 请你收敛脾气
  [09:01.12]You’ve been late, you’ve been mean, 你总是迟到 总是尖酸刻薄
  [09:02.60]giving all kinds of bullshit flack. 总是满口废话和牢骚
  [09:05.40]That’s a lie, that’s a lie 谎话,全是谎话
  [09:07.36]It’s just I haven’t been feeling that well 我只是不舒服
  [09:12.52]Effie, please! 艾菲,请你
  [09:13.92]You’ve been late, you’ve been mean, 你总是迟到 总是尖酸刻薄
  [09:16.92]and getting fatter all the time. 任由体重上升
  [09:17.32]I’ve never been so thin! 我从未如此清瘦
  [09:20.60]’Cause you’re knocking off that piece 全因你搭上了那个贱货
  [09:21.40]You’re lyir, you’re lyir 你说谎,说谎
  [09:24.56]Who thinks she’s better than everybody 那个自认艳绝全场的人
  [09:26.24]She ain’t nothing but common! 她不独特,只是平凡
  [09:26.84]She ain’t better than anybody! 她不比任何人好
  [09:30.84]You self-indulgent, self-absorbed, non-professional? 那你就是自以为是,自恋 毫不专业
  [09:30.96]Now, who you calling common 若她是平凡
  [09:34.00]You! I’m calling you 你!我在说你
  [09:38.00]I’m calling you the common piece he’s knocking off 你就是他搭上的贱货
  [09:42.48]Now, you listen to me Miss Blame It On The World 听好,怨天尤人小姐
  [09:43.16]See, I’ve put up with you for much too long 我已忍受了很久
  [09:47.32]I have put up with your bitching 忍受你的满腹牢骚
  [09:49.84]I’ve put up with your nagging 忍受你的唠唠叨叨
  [09:50.52]And all your screaming, too 忍受你的吵吵闹闹
  [09:52.60]Now, when are you two gonna stop all this fighting? 停,你们会几时停止争吵?
  [09:58.64]Stay out of this, Lorrell. 不关你事,罗慧
  [10:00.04]Yeah? Well, it’s between me, too! 是吗?那也是我的事
  [10:00.84]This is between Deena and me. 这只是我和蒂娜之间的事