

  For the children among us too youngto remember Princess Diana:
  As they get older, we must tell them the story…Tell them there was once a different world than the one they know,A kinder gentler place…where we held our hearts highAnd looked up and felt that dreams could come true.
  Tell them in a quiet moment how the fairy tale was,Like precious life itself, so much an illusion…And yet realizing this was not so bad,Because it allowed us to seeOur fairy princess as human, as one of us…Tell them of the princess’ selfless contributionTo making our world a better place,And how while there are still cynical people, evil peopleAnd people who were indifferent to her mystique, her magic,Enough people loved her and she made a differenceTo anyone with a true soul…Tell them about the princess’abilityTo touch people’s spirits and hearts,But that she also physically helped those in needAnd touched the hands of thoseWhom the rest of the world had shunned…Explain that life is a gift we must cherishAnd that we mustn’t be selfish when it is time to let it go.
  That it isn’t about the material things,But the spiritual, and the lives we touchWhile we are here…that is what matters.
  Tell them fairy tales don’t always end the way we’d like,But that the love left behindIs much more than the tale itself…Tell them that those very stars shine brighter,Ever so much brighter,Because there was once a fairy princess…译文: