

  23. The word "gimmicks" in this passage is closest in meaning to ________.
  (A) services (B) extras (C) tricks (D) games请看原文:
  So how can you make the most of your new power as a consumer? Here are rules to help you find your way.
  1 Never pay list price.
  2 Refuse gimmicks.
  As competition heats up and pushes prices down, businesses scramble to boost their profits by heaping on extras: rustproofing your car, service contracts on your appliances, prepaid gasoline for your rental car. These gimmicks are devised to make you pay more at the last minute and probably aren't a good deal.
  3 Don't buy on impulse.
  4 Say no to platinum prices.
  5 Switch-or threaten to.
  以上是原文的大体框架,从加下划线的第一句我们可以看出,在这篇文章中作者将给消费者提出建议,希望消费者能够避免上狡猾商家的当而多掏腰包。作者希望消费者能做到这5点,所以可以判断出第2点中紧跟refuse的词应该是贬义的或者说负面的。我们直译一下阴影部分的内容:(商家)设计这些gimmicks 是为了让你(消费者)在最后一刻多掏腰包,恐怕可不是什么让你占便宜的啊。再看四个选项中A,B和D都无贬义,只有C表示“花招,伎俩”之意,故正确答案为C。
  看来不必非要知其意才能答对题,开动你的脑筋,通过判断词的褒贬义也可攻破难关。顺便说一下,如果题目问第4点中platinum prices为何意,应该也很好突破,“say no to"后面肯定不是什么好东西,这种价格站在消费者的角度来说肯定是天价。所以即使你不知道platinum(铂金,一种贵重金属, 由其制成的首饰上往往有Pt标志也即platinum的缩写)为何意恐怕也能猜出三分吧。
  21. The word "hindrance" in line 2 is closest in meaning to _______.
  (A) encouragement (B) assistance (C) procedure (D) interference请看原文:
  Experiments have shown that in selecting personnel for a job, interviewing is at best a hindrance, and may even cause harm.
  尽管"hindrance"这个词对大多数考生而言并不是什么生词,但从答题技巧来说我们同样可以通过正面/负面的方法解题。原句中even cause harm说明进行面试会造成不利影响,所以hindrance一词肯定是负面的。回到选项中A,B都是positive, 而C. procedure(程序,手续)则是中性的,所以只有D.interference (干扰、干涉)为负面意义,故答案为D.