4+1听力口语MP3-句型 13(在线收听

Part One

1. If you expect to enter the university, you should apply now.
2. Bob entered the university at the age of seventeen.
3. He was admitted to Harvard University.
4. Do you live off campus?
5. I major in music. And you?
6. How many mandatory courses should you take?
7. Where's the administration building?
8. During your first year of college, did you make straight A's?
9. Isn't John graduating from college in June?
10. I'd better start cramming.
11. The library gets really crowded right about now.
12. I wonder if I have enough credits.
13. What was your GPA last semester?
14. I'm a graduate of Yale University. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree.
15. This is my first-year of college. I'm a freshman. I'm a first-year student

16. My uncle is a high school principal.
17. I went to grade school in Shanghai, and high school in Chicago.
18. My brother is a member of the faculty. He teaches economics.
19. John has extracurricular activities. He's on the football team.
20. In this college, students train to become diplomats.

Part Three
Joining the Club加入社团

Joanna: Hi, David! What are you doing?
David: Oh, just looking at these club notices. I'm thinking of joining one.

Hey-why don't we join a club together? How about the Tennis Club?
Joanna: Actually, I'm not good at tennis at all...
David: Neither am I. It's just that the best-looking girls are in that club

Joanna: Oh, come on. That's no reason to do something you're not interested

David: Well... What are you interested in?
Joanna: How about the Classical Music Club?
David: Sally, give me a break.
Joanna: Hey-how about the Cinema Club?
David: Sounds OK to me. I like movies.
David: Hey, Joann, look - there are a lot of decent-looking guys here. And

the club jackets - they're really hot! I think we made the right choice!
Joanna: Me, too-here's the meeting schedule.
David: (reading) “Screening of Bunuel's Andalusian Dog, Followed by lectur


on Surrealism ... Seminar on documentary film techniques ... Historical context

of ...”-this is pretty heavy stuff. Hey, where's that noise coming from?
Joanna: Must be the Classical Music Club. I heard they party all the time.
David: Really? Hm... must be nice.

Enjoying the Party 参加聚会
ANN: I think I'm going to go home.
ROBERT: Why? We just got here.
ANN: I know, but it's 12:45 a.m. 〖WTHX〗It's pretty late.〖WTBZ〗
ROBERT: Twelve thirty a.m. isn't late! This party will probably go until three o

r four o'clock. 〖WTHX〗C'mon, don't leave yet!〖WTBZ〗
ANN: Three or four o'clock?
ANN: 〖WTHX〗I never stay out that late.〖WTBZ〗 That's too late.
ROBERT: But it's Saturday night. We have nothing to do tomorrow. 〖WTHX〗Why not

stay out?〖WTBZ〗
ANN: Were you so wild when you were in Los Angeles,Robert?
ROBERT: Yes, I was. People know how to party here. In LA, some people know how t

o party. But here, everyone does. Do you want to smoke?
ANN: I don't want to.
ROBERT: 〖WTHX〗That's alright〖WTBZ〗. But I think you need another drink. Peop

le will probably start dancing soon.
ANN: I wonder if I can drink more. I already had three beers.
ROBERT: C'mon, Ann, you are in an American university now! You have to learn how

to enjoy American life.
ANN: But a university is for studying.
ROBERT: 〖WTHX〗That's true. We study hard all week.〖WTBZ〗 And then, 〖WTHX

〗on the weekend, we party hard.〖WTBZ〗 That's the best way to live. Remember?

〖WTHX〗To be is to do and to play.〖WTBZ〗
ANN: 〖WTHX〗Alright.〖WTBZ〗 Another drink, please.

Knowing Each Other 相互认识

CHARLES: Excuse me. Do you study Chinese at this university?
SUZY: Yes, I do. But my characters are very bad.
CHARLES: It takes a long time to learn Chinese writing.
SUZY: Are you Chinese by birth?
CHARLES: Yes, I am. I am from Guangzhou. I am here to study international re

SUZY: 〖WTHX〗How do you like it? 〖WTBZ〗
CHARLES: I like it so far. 〖WTHX〗But my English still needs work.〖WTBZ〗

SUZY: I want to study Mandarin and public relations.
CHARLES: Does the Chinese Department here teach 〖WTHX〗regular characters

〖WTBZ〗or 〖WTHX〗simplified characters?〖WTBZ〗
SUZY: They teach 〖WTHX〗regular characters〖WTBZ〗.
CHARLES: I see. I'm from Mainland China, so I know simplified characters bett

er than regular ones.
SUZY: You just said your English needs work, yes?
CHARLES: Yes, that's true. Especially my writing. I think my papers aren't go

od enough. I make lots of grammatical mistakes.
SUZY: Well, I am very serious about learning Chinese. But for me the

hard part now is pronunciation. You have the four tones in Chinese. It is very

hard. 〖WTHX〗If you have time, maybe we could do a language exchange. 〖WTBZ〗

CHARLES: 〖WTHX〗That sounds good.〖WTBZ〗 We can settle down the details tom

orrow. This is my address and phone number.
SUZY: I'll give you mine too. But sorry, I have to leave now. See you

CHARLES: See you soon.

Part Four

1. We need to pull an all-nighter.
2. He's a geek.
3. He's a jock
4. He's athletic.
5. He's a “catch”.
6. Many students get wasted on the weekends.
7. He's having a hangover.
8. He's the life of the panty.
9. He was dissed by that girl.
10. He's set.
11. He's a brain.
12. You're so thick.
13. He's dense.
14. I aced the exam.
15. I bombed the exam.
