北外翻译笔记 第15课 翻译难点--声色词的译法(2)(在线收听


  A. 英语原文中有拟声词,汉译时也用拟声词
  (1) A turkey gobbles.火鸡咯咯叫。
  (2) A wolf howls/growls. 狼嚎。
  (3) A bee hums.蜜蜂嗡嗡地叫。
  (4) A bull bellows. 公牛哞哞地叫。
  (5) A sparrow twitters. 麻雀吱吱喳喳叫。
  (1) The train clattered out of the station.火车哐唧哐唧驶出车站。
  (2) The shutters clattered in the wind.百叶窗在风中劈劈啪啪作响。
  (3) The girls clattered away at their luncheon.午餐时女孩们咭咭呱呱地谈个不停
  (4) The dishes and bowls slid together with a clatter.碟子碗碰得丁丁当当响。
  (1) The thunder rolled in the distance. 远处雷声隆隆。
  (2) There came the hum of machines. 传来了机器的隆隆声。
  (3) The offices were quite. Far below I could hear the rumble of tube trains carrying commuters to the west end.各办公室都很静,我可以听到地底下的隆隆声,那是地铁在运送通勤人员去西区。
  (1) Whee-ee-ee! Whee-ee-ee! The police whistles shrilled suddenly."的!的!"突然警笛响了。
  (2) Those standing behind whispered and chattered all the time.站在身后的人们一直吱吱喳喳个没完。
  (3) They hissed him off the stage. 他们把他嘘下了台。
  (4) The clock ticked, the fire cracked.钟声滴滴答答,火声劈劈啪啪。
  (1) About this time a brick came through the window with a splintering crash. 大约在这个时候,有人从窗户外面抛了一块砖进来,辟里啪拉砸得很响。(形容词──副词)
  (2) The ship hooted down the river.呜……那船沿江而下。(谓语动词──独立成分)
  (3) The clock ticked away the minutes.钟声滴答滴答地把时间打发走了。(谓语动词──独立成分)
  (4) A bitter storm of sleet, dense and ice-cold, swept the wet streets, and rattled on the trembling windows. 刺骨的暴风夹着密集而寒冷的雨雪,扫过湿漉漉的街道,打得颤抖的窗子格格作响。(谓语动词──副词)
  (1) She slammed the box on the table.她把匣子砰的一下摔在桌子上。
  (2) The man shut the door with a bang.那人砰的一声把门关上了。
  (3) The wind whispered in the pines.风在松林中飒飒作响。
  (4) The clang of the fire bell aroused the town.报火警钟的当当声惊醒了全镇。
  B. 英语原文中用拟声词,汉语译文中不用
  (1) Old beams began to crack mysteriously.那些老屋梁神秘地发出裂开的响声。
  (2) There was a large , low-ceiling room, with clacking, rattling machines. 有一大间天花板很低的屋子,里面的机器响成一片。
  (3) A profound silence prevailed over all and the only thing she could hear was the tap of ivy on the pane.万籁俱寂,她唯一听到的是长青藤轻扣玻璃声。
  (4) On my way to school I can see the babbling water in the brook, hear the frogs creaking, cuckoos cuckooing, sparrows chirping in the woods.上学路上,我能看见溪中的潺潺流水,能听见青蛙鸣、杜鹃啼,麻雀叫。
  C. 英语原文中没有拟声词,汉语译文中加用拟声词
  (1) He crashed down on a protesting chair.他猛然坐到一把椅子上,椅子被压得吱吱作响。
  (2) The lad rushed in , gasping for breath.小伙子冲进来,呼哧呼哧上气不接下气。
  (3) When he raised his hand, ten thousand eyes followed it.他把手儿一扬,千万人的眼睛跟着它滴溜溜地转