英闻天下——229 Two Australian Senior Cabinet Ministers Resign(在线收听

   Two senior cabinet ministers have resigned just four days after Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard announcing a national election date.

  The country's first female Attorney-General Nicola Roxon will step down along with Chris Evans, who as Senate Leader is the third in line to the prime ministership.
  Both ministers cited demands of the job and family reasons for their decisions.
  Chris Evans says he is confident the Labor Party will win in the election.
  "I leave knowing that the government is in good shape, would not have left if it wasn't. I would not have left if I thought it would do any harm to the party or the government and I am very confident of our chances of success at the next federal election."
  Local media described the resignations as a severe blow for the ruling Labor Party, saying they undermined Gillard's message of stability and a lack of confidence in ability to win a third term.
  However, Gillard puts on a brave face at a news conference in Canberra, saying she has known of the impending resignations for some time.
  "But there are some incredibly big shoes to fill and it does give me an opportunity now to promote some fresh talent with fresh ideas into the government's executive and I'm very pleased to do so. It means that we will be able to present to Australian people a rejuvenated team as we move into the parliamentary year in 2013."
  Opinion polls show Tony Abbott's opposition Liberal-National party well ahead of the government and Gillard would be swept from office if an election were held now.
  The next general election is set for September.