英闻天下——259 NASA Says Asteroid Will Get Closer to Earth(在线收听

   NASA has announced that an Asteroid will pass closer to Earth than the TV satellites that surround the planet.

  NASA says that the celestial visitor has no chance of impacting the Earth and is known as 2012 DA14.
  A group of amatuer astronomers discovered the asteroid in Spain last year.
  NASA astronomor Donald Yeomans says there's nothing to worry about:
  "We understand its orbit extremely well and we can say with great confidence that there is no chance of hitting the Earth and the chances of hitting the satellite are negligible."
  2012 DA14 is about the size of an Olympic swimming pool and will come as close as 17 thousand miles from Earth.
  Television, weather and communications satellites fly about 500 miles further away.
  In 1908 a comet or asteroid exploded over Siberia levelling over 80 million trees over 2,000 square kilometres.