英闻天下——274 Remains of "Ape Woman" Returned to Mexico(在线收听

   The remains of a Mexican woman have now been buried in her home state of Sinaloa after 150 years at a research facility in Norway.

  She had been on display since Victorian-era Europe because of a rare genetic condition.
  The move puts an end to an era in which human bodies were treated as collectible specimens.
  Jose Rios Estavillo is a spokesman with Sinaloa State Humans Rights Commission.
  "This is an act of justice to the human being. This is an act of dignity towards a person, independently of her appearance, her race or gender. We all are the same under the law."
  With a hairy face and body, jutting jaw and other deformities, Julia Pastrana became known as "ape woman" after she was taken to the U.S by a showman back in 1854, at the age of 20.
  Pastrana sang and danced for paying audiences, becoming a sensation who also toured Europe and Russia.
  She then developed a fever related to complications from childbirth, and died along with her baby in Moscow in 1860.
  Her remains ended up at the University of Oslo, Norway.
  Her return home is in part thanks to a visual artist Laura Anderson Barbata, who has campaigned for years for the return of her body.