
Alfred Hitchcock is one of the best-known film-makers, and because of
his habit of making quick appearance in each of his films ever since the 1930s, his face is easily recognized. People all over the world have come to connect the gentle-looking, over-weight Englishman with some of the most frightening films ever made.
Alfred Hitchcock was the son of a shop owner. He had a strict education and went to several strict schools. He was a quiet boy who kept himself to himself. When he left school at fourteen, he began to train as an engineer. He had always been a theatre lover and by sixteen he became interested in the cinema too. About this time he found he also had a talent(天才) for drawing, and he went to a course in drawing at London University - at first it was to help him in his job. But as young Hitchcock's career(事业) developed, so did his interest in the arts and with his drawing talent came an interest in writing. His first written work was in the magazine of his factory. This led to another change in the direction of his career, as he found himself writing the advertising(广告) for the factory. This was the first time Hitchcock had been asked to use his imagination, and for the first time he started to make experiments with characters and stories.