学个词Learn a Word 第1709-victim(在线收听

  今天我们要学的词是 victim。Victim 受害者。Dozens of gun violence victims attended President Obama's State of the Union address. 几十个枪支暴力受害者出席了美国总统奥巴马的国情咨文讲话。联合国的一份最新报告说,人口走私受害者遍布全球118个国家。The majority of victims are women, though the number of victims that are children is increasing. 受害者多数是妇女,与此同时,孩子的人数也在上升。Dozens of alleged sexual abuse victims of the late BBC host Jimmy Savile are suing BBC as well as Savile's estate. 几十个自称遭受过英国广播公司已逝主持人吉米.萨维尔性侵害的人对英国广播公司和萨维尔的家产同时提出起诉。好的,今天我们学习的词是 victim, victim, victim...
