新路径小学英语五年级下册(三起) Lesson 5 Seasons and Time(在线收听


[0:04.354]UNIT 2    Four Seasons

[0:08.492]      Lesson 5 Seasons and Time

[0:12.758]  Let's talk. 

[0:15.859]Spring lasts from March to May.

[0:19.082]In spring, it's warm.Plants

[0:22.395]grow and birds sing.It's time

[0:24.899]to go for an outing. 

[0:27.187]Summer lasts from June to August.

[0:30.923]In summer, it's hot.Trees are

[0:33.682]green and flowers bloom.It's

[0:36.475]time to go swimming. 

[0:39.505]Autumn lasts from September to

[0:42.196]November.In autumn, it's cool.

[0:45.082]The wind blows.Leaves turn yellow

[0:48.266]and fall.It's time to harvest. 

[0:51.348]Winter lasts from December to

[0:53.858]February.In winter, it's cold.

[0:57.436]It snows.It's time to go


[1:01.851]Listen and practise.

[1:22.660][1:04.642]   What colour is spring?

[1:23.243]   It's green.Because plants grow. 

Plants grow. 

Flowers bloom. 

Wind blows.

Leaves fall. 

[1:20.795]harvest                   snow 

[1:26.937]Look, listen and say. 

[1:30.210] see

[1:32.594] bee





[1:40.759] head

[1:43.641] bread


[1:49.771]Listen and sing.

[1:52.340]               Months of the Year 

[1:59.898]   Boys and girls,how many months are there in a year?Let's count together.

[2:04.130]Janu-ary, Feb-ru-ary, March. Sha la la la.A - pril and M-ay and   June.

[2:10.044]   Ju- ly and   Au - gust, Sep-tem-ber and Oc- to- ber,No- vem- ber and

[2:14.002]   De- cem- ber.        Sha la la la la la la la.     Ju-ly and Au-gust,

[2:15.737]   Sep-tem-ber and  Oc-to-ber,No-vem-ber  and  De-  cem-   ber.

[2:34.769]                                                 You can do it. 
