新路径小学英语三年级上册(一起) Lesson F(在线收听


[0:00.720]Lesson F

[0:03.652]            What's for Supper? 

[0:04.765]Let's talk. 

[0:06.237]Mum, I'm home. 

[0:08.258]Good. Are you hungry? 

[0:10.049]Want an apple? 

[0:12.484]Yes, thanks.What's for

[0:14.792]supper, Mum? 

[0:16.550]Chicken, fish and


[0:18.879]Oh, no!I don't

[0:20.098]like chicken. 

[0:21.251]But I like fish

[0:22.301]and vegetables. 

[0:23.962]I don't like coffee. 

[0:25.021]But I like coke. 

[0:25.625]Magic box 






[0:36.449]listen, draw and say. 

[0:53.649]Let's chant. 

[0:54.073]      I Like Coffee

[0:56.349]I like coffee,

[0:57.928]I like tea,

[0:59.220]I like fish,

[1:00.744]But they don't like me. 

[1:02.438]Work in groups and make up new chants. 
