美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-01-15(在线收听

1.President Barack Obama has nominated Jack Lew to be the nation's next Treasury Secretary, it is clear that president's chief step before he met Jack a year ago with the services of White House budget director.

2.Vice-president Joe Biden says he will make recommendations to the president by Tuesday on steps to curb gun violence, Biden says it seems to be a consensus on search back on checks and banning high capacity ammuniation magazine.
3.The national Massachusetts house has terminated former interior star Junior Seau had a generally brain disease, on the Cuba itself last May, the NIA says the study say out his brain have found abnormal minorities and consistent compact pain injures.
4.The Civil War Start Lincoln leads the Economy awards of 12 nominations, including the Best Picture and Best Director and Acting Honorers, and its cas members, and the nomination will announce on Thursday, the winners will be announced at January, 24th.