美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-01-16(在线收听

 1. With just a week to go until the presidential inauguration, event organizers held a dress rehearsal in Washington to prepare for President Barack Obama’s swearing in ceremony and parade. The practice was complete with stand-ins for the president and the first lady.

2. Police in India say they have arrested six suspects in another gang rape of a bus passenger. The driver ignored her stop request and took her to a desolate location where they were met by five others who took turns raping her.
3. Some 20,000 people marched through Moscow on Sunday to protest Russia’s new law banning Americans from adopting Russian children. Protesters carry posters of President Vladimir Putin and members of Russia’s parliament and shouted "shame on the scum".
4. In Seattle, nearly 6,000 people helped set a new record for the world’s largest snowball fight. Organizers say participants beat the old Guinness Book of Records total set last year in South Korea.