美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-03-02(在线收听

1.The Senate cleared the way Tuesday for Chuck Hagel to be the country's next Defense Secretary. Hagel's fellow republicans at previous argue that his record on Israel, Iran and nuclear weapons disqualified him with the join. 

2.President Barack Obama says there is no to make automatic budget cuts less damaging by giving him the authority to decide what to cut. Senate Republicans have suggested giving Obama that flexibility instead of letting the across the board cuts kick in Friday.
3.New York City police say they have a suspect in custody in the killing and dismembering of a 45-year-old woman. The woman's remains were found in several heavy duty plastic garbage bags by a man walking his dog Tuesday morning.
4.Former basketball star, Dennis Rodman, is showing off his basketball skills and flamboyant style to North Korea. Kim Jong Un, the country's young leader is said to have been a fan of Chicago Bulls in the 1990s when Rodham won the 3 championships with the team.