美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-03-03(在线收听

1. Thousands gathered in and around St. Peter's Square for Pope Benedict's last general audience before he steps down Thursday. Crowds watched the Pope by giant television screens with an estimated 50,000 in St. Peter's Square.

2. Chuck Hagel is expected to be sworn in Wednesday as the new head of the Defense Department. The seven-week fight over his nomination ended Tuesday as a deeply divided Senate confirmed him. 

3. Civil rights advocates have hailed Section 5 of the voting rights act for preventing discrimination against minorities. But critics argue it's no longer needed. It's now being challenged in the Supreme Court. Oral arguments will be heard Wednesday to determinate if the key provision should be struck down. 

4. And some Philadelphia schools are bidding farewell to long lunch lines in favor of family-style eating. It's all part of a program that aims to provide nutritious, low-cost lunches in a setting that reinforces social etiquette and communication skills.
