美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-03-06(在线收听

1. A Florida sinkhole that swallowed a man is growing deeper. Crews are testing the earth around Jeff Bush's home and two of his neighbors. But they say the ground is so unstable they have been unable to search for Bush's body.
2. In Russia, thousands took to the streets to support a ban on US adoptions of Russian children. The crowd also voiced skepticism about the autopsy that determined an adopted Russian boy's death in Texas was accidental. 
3. Secretary of State John Kerry continues his first overseas trip, making a stop in Egypt. Kerry urged the Egyptian government and opposition leaders to reach a political consensus to help their country emerge from an economic crisis. 
4. A day after hundreds of protesters blocked workers from removing one of the last sections of the Berlin Wall, a German developer says work will go ahead as planned next week. The 20-yard section of the wall is being moved to make way for luxury condominiums.