美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-03-16(在线收听

1.Cardinals are deciding on the new Pope. Thousands waiting in the chilly rain in St. Peter's Square have no trouble waiting this morning's black smoke, no one election at this time.

2.The House is expected to vote on a bill that would block the Obama administration from waiving work requirements in the 1996 welfare reform law. The administration says the requirements make it difficult to place welfare recipients in jobs.
3.Several high-level government officials cancel their plans to attend next expo on the latest border security technology in Phoenix. And many vendors worry budget cuts could mean less money to go around until Congress agrees on a plan to free up funds. 
4.And the teenager possession with mobile phones is apparently anywhere you go. Increasingly, those phones are smart phones. According to a new survey one in four young people are using their cell phones as the primary way to access the Internet.