美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-03-24(在线收听

1. President Obama is warning Iran that the US will do what is necessary to prevent Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Obama spoke after meeting Wednesday in Jerusalem with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
2. And the president says he's certain he could have done things differently when it comes to the Mideast. But Obama says bringing peace to the region is a really hard problem to solve, one that's lingered for more than 60 years.
3. Five former elected officials of the tiny California city of Bell have been convicted of multiple counts of misappropriation of public funds. They've been accused of paying themselves enormous salaries at the expense of the residents of the impoverished city. A sixth defendant has been cleared entirely.
4. Meet Kali, Alaska Zoo's littlest polar bear. The orphaned polar cub is making its temporal home at the Alaska Zoo in Anchorage. An official says the bear's mother was killed March 12. The cub is about three or four months old and weighs just 18 pounds.