美国科学60秒 SSS 2013-04-30(在线收听

   what makes someone`s sound sexy? to get the scientific viewpoint, researchers gaged volunteers responses to different voices.the conclusion: voices considered to be attractive said messages about body size, the workers journal plus one.in the animal kingdom, sound in the kid size and attention, for example, a roughen low frequency call suggested the vocolize large xxxx.while a clear higher frequency xxxx animal. in the study, researchers are just a variety of voices to correspond the different body sizes.to do so, they sxxx the completely artificial voices and recorded sentences before xxxx the pitches and residents.volunteers are the sound samples man preferred the higher pitch xxx like this one which suggests the smaller body size.low frequency male voices that signal a large body size were attractive to females. interestingly,  made both male and female voices more disasterable,it certainly explains the enduring popularity of.
