美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-04-09(在线收听

  1. Three US troops, 2 civilians and an Afghan doctor were killed in this attack. It happened when a roadside bomb exploded near their convoy in southern Afghanistan. Another America civilian was killed in an insurgent attack in the eastern part of the country.
  2. In North Korea, mass rallies were held in support of the Pyongyang regime’s decision to enter a “Combat Ready” posture. North Korean state television showed video of crowds gathered in rigid formations in various cities.
  3. Former South Africa President, Nelson Mandela was discharged from the hospital. The 94-year-old anti-apartheid leader was being treated for pneumonia.
  4. And in DC, the cherry blossoms were expected to peak this weekend. That’s when 70% of the blossoms on the trees are open. The blossoming period can last up to two weeks.