美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-05-12(在线收听

  1.The three Cleveland brothers could go to court Wednesday morning for allegedly kidnapping three women and holding them prisoner for about a decade. The city says investigators have no record of anyone calling about criminal activity in the house where the women were held. However, neighbors say they called police at least twice.
  2.Former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford is going to Congress. The Republican topped Elizabeth Colbert Busch in a special election.
  3.Three state department witnesses are scheduled to testify to a House committee Wednesday about the fatal attack on the US diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya. Some Republicans say the Obama Administration is witholding information about the assault.
  4.The Air Force stripped 17 officers of their authority to control or launch nuclear missiles. The Air Force says the move follows a string of unpublicized failings.