美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-05-21(在线收听

  1. Parts of north Texas have been slammed by tornadoes with at least 6 people killed and dozens people injured. The spring tornadoes outbreak has destroyed or damaged dozens of homes.
  2. A cyclone is heading toward Bangladesh. Severe weather has already been blamed for at least 18 reported deaths. More than million people have been evacuated at the country’s southern coast. The eye of the storm is expected to reach land this evening.
  3. Two car bombs have exploded in separate areas in Baghdad today. At least a dozen people were killed and 30 were injured. No one immediately claimed responsibility for the attacks which officials blame on increasing sectarian violence.
  4. Boston Marathon bombing victims are biting back at a food and fundraising event. Survivors joined hundreds of the first responders and well wishers at the city’s Fenway Park as dozens of top chefs served them fine cuisines and drinks. The event comes exactly one month after the twin explosion.