
   BRASILIA, July 24 (Xinhua) -- Brazil said Wednesday it will send a delegation to Washington over alleged U.S. spying on Brazilian individual and corporate communications in the wake of revelations by intelligence whistleblower Edward Snowden.

  Without disclosing the dates of the trip, Foreign Minister Antonio Patriota told the state-run Agencia Brazil newes agency the group will first hold technical meetings with U.S. experts to collect information.
  He said the delegation, comprising officials from different government agencies, will then analyze the results in later meetings with politicians and diplomats.
  The trip was proposed by U.S. Vice President Joe Biden during a phone conversation last week with President Dilma Rousseff over the fallout of Snowden revelations.
  Patriota added that Brazil plans to put forward the issue at regional forums such as the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR).
  The Brazilian government said earlier that Washington's explanations on its surveillance of the communications of Brazilians have so far been "insufficient."
  It has also confirmed Rousseff's scheduled trip to the United States in October despite the current tension caused by the espionage issue.