美国科学60秒 SSS 2013-06-17(在线收听

   Ordinarily you've called it a pistachio a pistachio, but if you are for example an immigrant from China, and you've just seen a Ming vase. You might call a pistachio and a happy nut. Because visual cues can affect language in people with multiple cultural experiences. That's according to a study in the proceeding of the national academic of sciences. Researchers performed the various tests with the students who've come to US from China. In one,the students heard a recorded conversation in English about campus life, but some looked at Chinese face while listened it, while others saw a Caucasian face. The student then spoke about their own lives, and the Chinese American students  who've listened well looking at Chinese face spoken in English more slowly and less fluently than those who listened well while looking at the Caucasian face. In another test, when the students were exposed to the Chinese icons. They were more likely to translate from Chinese into English literally. Thus pistachios became happy nuts which is the name in China.  This phenomenon demonstrates that immigrants struggling with a new language can face unusual and unanticipated challenges, and that what you see can affect what you say.
