
  作为经典美剧《老友记》的铁杆粉丝,你是不是很希望他们能够重聚再拍个续集?日前三位主演 Jennifer Aniston、Matthew Perry 和 Courteney Cox 就在脱口秀节目《艾伦秀》上给大家带来了一段老友重聚的搞笑场景。 

  Sure, it wasn't the "Friends" reunion many have hoped for, but on Wednesday fans of the show got to see Rachel, Monica and Chandler back together - with a little help from Ellen. 


  To kick off her co-hosting gig alongside Ellen DeGeneres on her show, Jennifer Aniston visited her former "Friends" co-star Matthew Perry at his home for some advice, only to find out things have changed since the days of the hit show. 


  Aniston walks up to an annoyed Perry at his home to ask for advice, but is met with an unfriendly version of the Chandler she once knew. 


  "We used to walk into each other's apartments all the time," Aniston argues. "I mean, we're friends!" "That was a TV show. We haven't actually seen each other in a pretty long time, like eight years," Perry says. 

  安妮斯顿非常不解地说道:“我们以前一直这样进进出出对方的公寓啊,我们是朋友!” 派瑞却回答道:“《老友记》只是部电视剧而已啦,我们都好长时间没见到了吧,至少有八年了。” 

  Then, to everyone's surprise, Courteney Cox emerges from behind the door - pretending not to know her real life best friend apart from "Friends" costar Lisa Kudrow. 


  The awkward exchange between television exes and real life friends gets even more complicated when Portia De Rossi attempts to quietly sneak out of Perry's home … followed by her own partner DeGeneres. 

