听播客学英语 170 与朱丽叶“的一天(在线收听

   Juliet is seven years old. Her mother has just had a new baby, so it is arranged that Juliet can stay with Kevin and Joanne for a few days, so that her Mum can rest. Joanne told Kevin that Juliet was coming to stay, but Kevin was watching a football match on television and just grunted.

  The next day Juliet arrived. “Hello, Kevin. I’m going to stay at your house so that my Mum can look after my baby brother.” Juliet sat down at the kitchen table. “I want some orange juice and a biscuit. Have you got orange juice and biscuits?” So Kevin gave Juliet a glass of orange juice and a biscuit.
  Then Juliet said, “I want to draw a picture.” So Kevin found Juliet some paper and a pencil, and Juliet drew a picture of her house, and her garden, and her Mum and her baby brother, and the sun shining.
  “Now you draw me a picture,” said Juliet. So Kevin drew Juliet a picture of men playing football.
  “That’s a nice picture”, said Juliet. “I want to go for a walk now”. So Kevin found Juliet her shoes and her coat, and Juliet put them on. They walked up the road, past the newsagent’s shop.
  “Please Kevin, can you buy me a comic,” said Juliet. So Kevin went into the newsagent’s and bought Juliet a comic.
  They went to the park, and played with a ball. Juliet kicked the ball into some bushes. “Please Kevin, can you fetch me the ball?” So Kevin fetched Juliet the ball.
  Juliet played on the swings, and then it was time to go home. “I want a cake for tea,” said Juliet. “Please Kevin can you make me a cake”. So Kevin made Juliet a chocolate cake. It was quite a good cake, especially since Kevin had never made one before. Juliet licked the mixing bowl.
  Then Kevin got Juliet her tea – bread, cheese, apple and chocolate cake. After tea Juliet watched television, and then it was time for bed. “Please Kevin, read me a story, ” said Juliet. So Kevin read Juliet a story. “Tell me another story”. So Kevin told Juliet another story. “Show me the pictures in the book.” So Kevin showed Juliet the pictures in the book. “I want to go to sleep now, “said Juliet.”Give me a good-night hug.” So Kevin gave Juliet a hug, and Juliet went to sleep.
  Later, Joanne came home, and Kevin told her what he and Juliet had done. Joanne laughed. “That girl has got you wrapped round her little finger,” she said. “I know,” said Kevin. “Just get me a beer.”
  In this podcast there are lots of sentences which contain indirect objects. There is a grammar and vocabulary note which explains all about them.