学个词 Learn a Word-VOA英语教学 1754-in-recent-memory(在线收听


今天我们要学的词是 in recent memory. In recent memory 意思是在最近的记忆中。We just had the longest and coldest winter in recent memory. 刚过去的冬天是我们能记得起来的最漫长,最寒冷的一个冬天。与此同时,Skiing resorts had the best conditions  in recent memory for the month of March. 滑雪渡假地三月份的雪况也是近年来最好的。Brittney Griner, one of the most dominant female basketball players in recent memory, came out as being gay. 我们能想得起来的最厉害的女篮球选手之一布兰妮.格瑞娜宣布,自己是同性恋。好的,今天我们学习的词是 in recent memory, in recent memory, in recent memory...
