NPR美国国家公共电台 2013-01-13(在线收听

  From NPR news in Washington, I am I'm Korva Coleman.
  There has been a French military intervention in two African countries within the past 24 hours. NPR’s Ofeibea Quist-Arcton reports French forces launched an air strike against Islamist militants in Mali. And in a separate operation, commanders attacked Islamist base in Somalia in an apparent unsuccessful bid to rescue a French hostage. “The French defense minister Jean-Yves Le Drian told a news conference that two French commanders died trying to free a French intelligence officer code-named Denis Allex. He was kidnapped by al-Qaida-linked al Shabaab militants in Somalia’s capital Mogadishu. Paris reports that the French hostage was likely killed by his keepers during the commander raid. Al Shabaab claims the Frenchman is still alive. Across the continent in west Africa, French forces are going to action in Mali at the government request to trying to drive back rebels Islamist who occupied the north and was pushing southwards. Paris says a French commander was killed during overnight air strike on a rebel command center in central Mali. Ofeibea Quist-Arcton, NPR news, Dakar.”
  The federal government says the flu season got started early this year. It has wide spread in 47 states and it reached academic level. New York governor Andrew Cuomo declared a public health emergency for his state. There are about 20,000 flu cases reported there. Officials with the centers for disease control and prevention are urging people who have not gotten the flu shot to get vaccinated.
  Californians are bundling up with sweaters and gloves and stocking up on firewood as they breathe for several nights of very unseasonable freezing temperatures. Daniel Kersten reports even the state’s southern beaches are filling the chill. There was frost on beaches in San Diego Saturday morning. And zoo keeper turned up the heater for chimpanzees. Up north, Big Sur, on the central coast just feeling daytime highs almost 20 degrees below Boston’s, even that desert oasis Palm Springs is facing the possibility of night time freezing temps. In the San Joaquin Valley, the heart of California's citrus production, farmers are running wind machine and water to protect their fruit. Temperatures are expected to fall to the 20s in some inland bellies overnight. On the bright side, sunny skies are forecast in the daytime. For NPR news, I am Daniel Kersten in Los Angeles.
  A co-founder of the social media website Reddit has died. Aaron Swartz was found in New York on Friday. The New York medical examiner’s office says the 26-years-old apparently took his own life. Swartz had been accused of stealing content from scientific journals from MIT. His computer fraud trial was to start next month. Swartz also help lead the effort to start legislation against international censorship as a team helped create RSS, a way to easily distribute computer content. This is NPR.
  The White House dashed the hopes of the Star War’s fans with an official rejection of a petition signed by more than 45,000 to build a Death Star. However, NPR’s Allison Keyes tells us the administration does consider the power of the force. “In an earring echo of Star War’s hero Obi-Wan Kenobi’s masterful use of force to destruct.” “These are on the joy you are looking for.” “A White House advisor told fans despite the administration’s support for a strong national defense, a death star isn’t on the horizon. Not only does it cost too much and underestimated $850-quadrillion, advisor Paul Shawcross it makes no sense to spend tax payer dollars on something which could be destroyed by one man starship. Shawcross did suggest to those who sign if they if pursuit careers on science and technology, “the force will be with us”.” Allison Keyes, NPR news, Washington.
  The Syrians government says its troops have taken a strategic sub on the outskirts of the Capital Damascus, it was held by rebels. The government’s claimed that it captured the suburb come after the rebels announced they have seized a key air base in the northwestern part of the country. Syrian activists say fighting died down a little this week because of snow and thunderstorms but it has been clear today.
  Air pollution in China’s capital Beijing is so bad, the government is telling people not to go outside. Beijing is always polluted, but air qualities readings are exceptional bad for a second day today. China has had trouble with air pollution because it is rapidly building and industrializing its business and relies heavily on the coal for power. I am Korva Coleman, NPR news, in Washington.