学个词 Learn a Word-VOA英语教学 1806 take shape(在线收听

1806 take shape

今天我们要学的词是take shape. To take shape 意思是形成雏形。The new shopping center has begun to take shape. 新建的购物中心开始初具规模。美国兰顿和企鹅两大出版集团合并。The newly formed company of Penguin Random House has begun to take shape. 合并后新成立的兰顿企鹅出版社已经开始初具雏形。A new political order began to take shape in Egypt after the military deposed Mohamed Morsi. 穆罕默德.穆尔西被军方推翻后,埃及开始出现新的政治格局。好的,今天我们学习的词是 take shape, take shape, take shape...
