NPR美国国家公共电台 2013-02-16(在线收听

  The Asteroid named 2012-DA14 is hurtling away into space after coming closer to the Earth than any other. For a brief moment, less than an hour ago, scientist around the world watches as 150 foot cosmic rock pass within 17 thousand miles of our planet, which is reportedly closer than some satellites. It was a much * coincidence that a meteor exploded at Earth's atmosphere over Russia's Ural Mountains this morning. Alan Harris of the German aerospace center says it was all just coincidence. It doesn't not appears that there's any connection between this event in Russia and the near passage of the asteroid 2012-DA14. Earlier today meteor was seen flying across the sky as ball of fire in Russia, produced shock waves so powerful that windows across the region blown out. Nearly 1000 people were hurt. The Republican-led House is endorsing a third straight year of a pay freeze on federal workers. NPR's Esseby Dotty reports the bill approved today would block president Obama's executive order, giving a half percent raise to workers beginning in April. Most of the opposition for the bill came from Democrats but not all. New Jersy Republican Frank Le Beyondo said the pay freeze would hit CIA Agency, foreign service officers and others who risk their lives. If we can't put those who are protecting this country at the top of the list and understand, then shame on us. California Republican Duro Icy said tough budget time makes the freeze necessary. What's more, the raise would only ammount to 274 dollars a year to the average federal employee. We are talking here the vast majority. These are federal civil servants who in fact are paid pretty down well are not leaving and asking for small sacrifice. The bill passes the house in a largely party-line vote. It's unclear whether the Senate will even consider it. Esseby Dotty, NPR News in Washington.
  Not a robust month for factory output in January. It fell by four tenth of percent. NPR Bandinly says auto plans * decline. The production of new cars, trucks and auto-parts fell more than 3 percent. First * chief economist Ryan Whespry says he's not concerned with auto sales setting a five year high in 2012.