NPR美国国家公共电台 2013-07-06(在线收听

  From NPR News in Washington, I'm Lakshmi Singh.
  Reminiscent of Egypt 2011 revolution night tents political protest underway in Cairo’s Tahrir Square where fire workers are waving flags made a festival scene. But nearby, there are more clashes between opponents and supports of former president Mohamed Morsi, who is ousted in Wednesday’s military coup. NPR’s Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson reports Morsi’s backers are trying to make their way to Tahrir Square.
  Supporters of former president Mohamed Morsi have been marching in different parts of Cairo. They seem to be stopped or congregated around the place called 6th October Bridge which is a major bridge to the area around Tahrir Square. It’s seen the first they’re perhaps trying to come the Tahrir Squre, that is not happened. Where they are, the moment, is close to the television, state television building. But are there is rock throwing going seem to be a clash in that vicinity of the Morsi’s supports are. NPR’s Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson.
  The Obama administration seizes further signs of economy on the mend at today’s Labor Department reports. NPR’s Scott Horsley reports employers added 195,000 jobs in June while unemployment rate held steady in 7.6%.
  Restaurants, bars and retail stores accounts for a lot of new hire in June, suggesting American consumers are a little more willing to open their wallets for a shopping trip or a dinner-out. The White House economic analyst Iren Cruger says that a positive sign as people’s attitude toward economy.
  “I think this indication of all the healings have been taking place in economy, the improved house sector, for example. So that positive what’s important is that Congress not gets in the way of recovery.”
  State and federal government continue to shed jobs last month. While government furloughs also boosted a number of people working part-time who prefer to be working full-time. Scott Horsley, NPR’s news in White House.
  The World Health Organization is convening in an emergency committee to monitor a mysterious respiratory virus that is emerged in the Middle East. Details from NPR’s Rob Stein.
  The virus known as MERS for Middle East respiratory syndrome. So far, 79 cases have been reported and 42 of the victims have died. Most cases occurred in Saudi Arabia and nearby countries. Officials are concerned because the virus is similar to the one they cause SARS outbreak a decade ago. In about 70% of people who are known to be affective have died. But WHO says the moment the virus is not seen to spread easily from person to person and no a large breakout has occurred. The WHO decided to form a committee to monitor the situation just to be prepared if the situation becomes an international emergency. The committee will meet for the first time next week. Rob Stein, NPR News.
  Dow is up 147 points. It is NPR.
  In Iraq, a suicide bomb walked into a Shia mosque in north Baghdad today and deno designated explosive on the body. 15 worshiper were killed in that attack. More than 30 people were wounded. Local authorities say it happened during evening prayer. The bombing is extended the day violence in and around Iraq capital were fourth civilians lost their lives earlier in a car bombing.
  Investigators in central Afghanistan are trying to determine how the suicide bomber managed to bypass two checkpoints since sneaked to a crowded police dining hall during lunch hour today. The bomber blew himself up and also killed 12 other people. An official says authorities have not said the attacker was a police officer or the disguised one.
  The online TV service Hulu has been announced blocked for a month. Interesting buyers should act fast busy do today. And NPR’s Neda Ulaby explains Hulu’s owners are expected to set to sell for around a billion dollars.
  Its owners are some biggest entities in the world media, including Disney, Comcast and 21st century fox. But even the Hulu is in the list of a heated battle for sweeping dominants for Netflix and Amazon instant video, Fox just give Netflix an exclusive deal with one of the popular shows. Full seasons of “New Girl” are going to Netflix, Hulu just gets only a few episodes at a time. The idea that Hulu might lose more desirable broadcasts offerings could affect the sell. Yahoo has reportedly lost the interest, but according to industry @@, Direc TV remains the leading contender. Neda Ulaby, NPR News.
  US stock is ending the day higher with the DOW up 147, at 15,136.
  It is NPR.