Hourly News 每日新闻 08:00 2013/06/30(在线收听

China to strike hard on violent terrorist attacks 
A senior Party official says China will strike hard on violent terrorist attacks in line with laws and maintain social stability in Xinjiang.
Yu Zhengsheng, politburo member of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, made the remarks at a meeting in Urumqi, capital of northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. 
He said China will impose severe punishment on those taking part in violent crimes, adding the country will step up the actions to crack down upon terrorist groups and extremist organizations and track the wanted.
Yu Zhengsheng also called on local people to stay calm and keep vigilance.

Chinese premier meets Kissinger 
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has met with former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in Beijing.
During the meeting, Li Keqiang said the world is undergoing complex and profound changes. And China is willing to make joint efforts with all other countries to promote development and prosperity of the world.
Kissinger, who was in Beijing to attend the 3rd Global Think Tank Summit, noted the significance of China's growth for the world, adding that he will continue to play an active role in Global Think Tank Summit meetings.

China, India to find solution to border disputes 
Border disputes between China and India will be resolved through peaceful negotiations, with the two countries agreeing to seek a fair and rational solution acceptable to both sides.
A Chinese foreign ministry release says after two-day talks on border issues between the two countries, the two sides agree to give full play to the (existing) mechanisms on border-related issues and maintain peace and tranquility in border areas before issues are resolved. 
It was the 16th round of talks of this kind.

Obama meets South Africa's President on bilateral ties
U.S. President Barack Obama has held bilateral talks with South African President Jacob Zuma in Pretorea with pledges to strengthen trade and investment between the two countries. 
During the talks, the two presidents discussed a variety of issues including ways of strengthening bilateral relation, trade and investment, development assistance and infrastructure development in Africa.

President Xi promises to shake off GDP obsession in promoting officials 
President Xi Jinping says China will never assess the performance of an official simply based on his record of boosting economy.
He's told a meeting in Beijing that the Communist Party of China (CPC) should adopt more comprehensive criteria for assessing the performance of its officials.
It should consider a local official's work in various aspects including people's livelihood, the development of local society and the quality of environment. 
Xi Jinping urged to punish disciplinary violations and corruption during official selection procedures.

CBRC head: No liquidity shortage in Chinese banks 
China Banking Regulatory Commission Chairman Shang Fulin has soothed concerns over Chinese banks' liquidity conditions, saying there is no liquidity shortage in China's banking system as both and required reserves are adequate.
He said the recent cash crunch would not affect the stable operation of Chinese banks, but he acknowledged that some banks needed to improve their liquidity and risk management. 
Shang Fulin promised to strengthen regulation over wealth management products (WMPs), especially the behaviors of commercial banks. He urged banks to improve transparency of WMPs sales.

China passes law to curb special equipment accidents 
China's legislature has passed a law on the safety of special equipment including elevators, boilers, cranes and large recreation facilities, amid public concerns following a number of accidents, some of which were fatal.
The law will take effect on Jan. 1. 
Accidents involving special equipment claimed 18 lives and injured five people in China last month.

China adopts pacts on anti-terrorism cooperation among SCO members 
China's national legislature has adopted two pacts on anti-terrorism cooperation among Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) members.
One pact is on the procedures of organizing joint anti-terrorism drills among SCO members. The other is on the procedures of carrying out joint anti-terrorism actions in the territory of SCO members. 
The two pacts are expected to promote cooperation among members to fight "three evil forces" of terrorism, separatism and extremism, and protect regional peace, security and stability.

China braces for another tropical storm 
China's flood control authorities are on alert as the country braces for the arrival of tropical storm Rumbia, which are expected to affect the country's already rain-soaked southern regions.
Rumbia, the sixth tropical storm to hit China this year, is expected to come ashore in Guangdong Province the coming Monday night or on Tuesday.
To minimize the possible damage by Rumbia, the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters urged local authorities to enhance monitoring, issue early warnings, timely evacuate residents in the threatened areas and call back fishing boats to port.

China's outbound tourists surpass 37 mln 
The number of outbound tourists leaving China supassed 37 million in the first five months this year, up 17 percent compared with the same period in 2012, according to China National Tourism Administration (CNTA) statistics.
However, it says the number of overnight inbound tourists dropped.
China has the world's largest domestic tourism market and outbound Chinese tourists are the biggest spenders worldwide.
