学个词 Learn a Word-VOA英语教学 1838 take credit for(在线收听

1838 take credit for

今天我们要学的词是 take credit for. To take credit for 意思是功劳归功于某人。I cannot take credit for the success of the project. It was all team work. 这个项目取得的成功,不能归功于我个人,这是团队努力的结果。华盛顿邮报不久前遭到骇客袭击,叙利亚电子军承认是他们干的。The Syrian Electronic Army has taken credit for a string of web attacks on media targets. 叙利亚电子军已经成功地对一系列媒体网站发动了袭击。好的,今天我们学习的词是take credit for, take credit for, take credit for...
