China Declares Shenzhou-10 Space Mission A Success(在线收听

  Astronauts Zhang Xiaoguang, Nie Haisheng and Wang Yaping (from left to right) shake hands after they got out of the re-entry capsule of China's Shenzhou-10 spacecraft following its successful landing at the main landing site in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on June 26, 2013. [Photo: Xinhua]
  Three astronauts onboard China's Shenzhou-10 space capsule have just completed the country's longest manned space mission and returned to Earth safely.
  The success of the mission marks yet another step towards the country's goal of building a permanently manned space station by the year 2020.
  Su Yi has more.
  The re-entry capsule of Shenzhou-10 landed safely in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Wednesday morning.
  All three astronauts were in good physical condition.
  "It is my second manned space mission. I'm very familiar with the place we have landed. It feels really good to be home again. I just want wish our country and the people prosperity. "
  "I am very excited right now. Thanks everyone who have concerned and supported us."
  "The space mission has fulfilled my dreams, one is traveling in space and another is to be a teacher. And this time I got to teach from the space. I wish all young people have their own dreams, those who have dreams will succeed."
  While in orbit, the three astronauts completed two docking tests with the Tiangong-1 experimental space lab.
  The astronauts also gave a special lecture to students on earth for the first time in China's space exploration.
  Meantime, the Tiangong-1 space lab has been officially retired now.
  It was first put into orbit in 2011, and has hosted to a total of 6-Chinese astronauts.
  Originally developed as a training platform for the eventual-Chinese space station, it's now being put into a higher orbit.
  Chinese vice premier Zhang Gaoli says the mission is a milestone.
  "The success of the Shenzhou-10, Tiangong-1 mission indicates the perfection our space docking and rendezvous techniques. It marks a milestone success of the second phase of our manned space program."
  Chinese aerospace officials say China is planning to launch Tiangong-2 space lab around 2015.
  They say the core module of a space station will be put in orbit by 2018, before the completion of the space station by 2020.
  For CRI, I'm Su Yi.