Abe Not to Visit Yasukuni Shrine(在线收听

  Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has decided not to visit the controversial Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo to mark the anniversary of the end of the World War II.
  It's being reported the decision has been made out of concern the visit will further escalate already-tight relations with neighboring China and South Korea.
  Instead, Abe will reportedly offer a sacrifice to the shrine.
  The Chinese government is urging Japanese politicians not to visit the shrine.
  Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying:
  "Japan will never be able to walk out of the shadow of history. There won't be a future for relations between Japan and Asian neighbors."
  A number of Japan's cabinet members have already announced plans to worship the shrine on Thursday.
  Over the years, visits to the shrine by Japanese politicians have sparked strong opposition from China and South Korea.
  While the shrine honors Japan's war dead, it also enshrines 14 class-A war criminals.