标准美语发音的13个秘诀 CD 3 Track 27(在线收听


Exercise 5-2; Sounds Comparing L with T, D, and N    CD 3 Track 27 

Repeat after me, first down and then across.

T Look at group 3, B. This exercise has three functions:

1. Practice final els.

2. Review vowels sounds.

3. Review the same words with the staircase.

Note Notice that each word has a tiny schwa after the el. This isto encourage your tongue to be in the right position to give your words a "finished" sound. Exaggeratethe final el and its otherwise inaudible schwa.

Y Repeat the last group of words.

Once you are comfortable with your tongue in this position, let it just languish there while you continue vocalizing, which is what a native speaker does. VRepeat again: fillll, fullll, foollll, faillll, feellll,fuellll, furllll.

What Are All Those Extra Sounds I'm Hearing? 

I hope that you're askinga question like this about now. Putting all of those short little words on a staircase will reveal exactly how many extra sounds you have to put in to make it "sound right." For example, if you were to pronounce fail as [fal], the sound is too abbreviated for the American ear—we need to hear the full [fayələ].
