体育词汇—排球常用术语 Volleyball(在线收听

  The attempt by one team to terminate the play by hitting the ball to the floor on the opponent's side. 攻击,进攻;指一方队员将球打到对方的地面,使对方无法接起而终止比赛。 
  Also "hitter" and "spiker." A player who attempts to hit a ball offensively with the purpose of terminating play in his or her team's favor. 主攻手,为了自己或自己球队的利益而进攻性打球的队员。

  The combination of one, two or three players jumping in front of the opposing spiker and contacting the spiked ball with the hands. 拦网,由一人到三人组成联盟,在对方主攻手前跳起,用手拦挡进攻的球。

  Descriptive slang for forearm passing.

Cross-Court Shot: 
  An individual attack directed at an angle from one end of the offensive team's side of the net to the opposite sideline of the defensive team's court.

  Slang for the art of retrieving an attacked ball close to the floor.

Down Ball: 
  An attacked ball from the opponent that the blockers assess as not being hit hard enough or being contacted too deep in the opponent's court to require a block attempt.

Forearm Pass:
  One of the six basic volleyball skills. It is a ball-handling skill that a players uses to legally contact the ball at a level below the waist using the forearms as the contact surface.

Free Ball: 
  Any ball that the opponent returns easily, allowing the blockers enough time to get back into their attack-approach positions before the ball crosses the net.