万花筒 2012-04-16&04-18 朝鲜卫星发射失败(在线收听

 The latest on that failed missile test by North Korea and a surprise the government was forced to admit the setback on state TV. ABC's Martha Raddatz is tracking from Washington. Martha, and Pentagon and all of Asia on high alert for this test, but it turned out to be another dud. A total dud. It was all over so quickly, George, that rocket was only airborne for 81 seconds. The missile lifted off with no sign of trouble but right after the first stage booster rocket, which pushes the rocket higher and faster. The missile just broke apart in flight. The debris fell into waters about 100 miles west of Soul, South Korea. It was over.

It sure was, Martha. And there's a lot of concern now though that to make up for the embarrassment, North Korea is gonna plow ahead and actually try to test a nuclear bomb.
That is a concern. It's the first time ever that the North Koreas have acknowledged the failure of the rocket,so that was a big surprise to the administration, but there were already fears that the North Koreans would try to test another nuclear device, this time a uranium device, so everyone is bracing themselves for that development, George. They do not think this is over yet.
And the administration was hoping to have a new era with North Korea now that they have a new leader. They were offering food aid if North Korea didn't test this missile. Now, that's completely off.
Yes. They basically completely reneged on this deal, so this is an embarrassment for the administration as well, but everyone is moving onward and looking to that nuclear device test which they think will come in the next few weeks.
Ok. Martha Raddatz. Thanks very much.