'Desinification' unacceptable among Taiwan people - Lien 台湾人民不会接受“去中国化”--连战
Visiting Taiwan opposition KMT Chairman Lien Chan delivers a speech at the Peking University in Beijing April 29, 2005. 来访的台湾反对党主席——国民党主席连战2005年4月29日在北京大学发表了演讲。 Lien Chan, chairman of the Kuomintang party, said in Beijing Friday that the majority in Taiwan would not accept the policy of "desinification ", which is aimed at severing ties between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan. 国民党主席连战星期五在北京说,多数台湾人民不会接受旨在断绝中国大陆与台湾的关系的“去中国化”政策。 It's "a pity" that some political forces in Taiwan have been advocating such "an extreme idea", said Lien when answering a question at the end of his 40-minute speech at Peking University. 在北大的40分钟演讲结束后,连战在回答提问时说,台湾的一些政治力量一直在鼓吹如此“极端的主张”,这很令人感到遗憾。 "I'm sure that the majority of Taiwan people will not take on their shoes," said Lien, who described the efforts for "desinification" as something out of the imagination of the people in other countries and the mainland. “我相信多数台湾民众不会认同他们的做法”,连战说。他把“去中国化”的尝试形容为一些在外国人,大陆人看起来都匪夷所思的事情。 These "desinification" efforts have aroused great concern among Taiwan people and even foreigners residing in Taiwan, he added. 这些“去中国化”的尝试引起了台湾民众甚至在台湾定居的外国人士的高度关注。 According to him, parents of numerous school children are now looking for resources other than public schools in Taiwan to continue education in Chinese history and culture. 据连战说,许多台湾学生的家长正在为他们的孩子寻找除公共学校之外的教育资源,使他们继续接受中国历史和文化方面的教育。 "The parents hope their children could learn more about the creams of the Chinese culture," Lien said. 连说,家长们都希望他们的孩子可以学习到更多中国文化的精髓。 In his speech at the unversity, Lien said it is the common aspiration of all Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Straits to seek reconciliation and dialog for the building of a win-win future. 在北大演讲时,连战说为创建一个双赢的未来而寻求和解与对话是海峡两岸中国人民的共同愿望。 "We should put the people first and give priority to the people's well-being. This is supported by all the Chinese people, including the 23 million residents in Taiwan and the 1.3 billion on the mainland." “以人民为主,幸福优先,我想这是包括我们所有的台湾2300万、大陆13亿的人,我们所有的人民,大家会共同支持的一个方向。” "We're paving the way and building a bridge, and the people will be glad to see cross-Straits dialog, reconciliation and cooperation, rather than confrontation or conflict," Lien said. 连战说,我们搭桥铺路,是人民所愿意看到的,他们不愿意再看到两岸的对峙与对撞,他们愿意看到的是两岸的对话与和解,大家的相互合作。 Before Lien and his KMT delegation left Taiwan for the Chinese mainland, Lien said a poll conducted in Taiwan indicated 66 percent of the Taiwan people support cross-Straits reconciliation and dialog, while about 30 percent say it is unlikely to produce any concrete result. 连战说,在他及其国民党大陆访问团离开台湾前往中国大陆之前,一项台湾的民意调查显示,66%的台湾人认同支持两岸和解对话,30%的人认为可能没有什么太大的实质性效果。 Lien told his audience it is a historic opportunity to sum up the past and build a common future for both sides of the Straits. "And this is very important," he said. 连战在演讲中说,这是一个我们总结过去历史的机会,发展建立一个我们海峡两岸共同的未来,这是非常重要的事情。 He said the Chinese people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits should work together for peace and stability by "actively" maintaining the status quo. 他说海峡两岸的中国人民都应该为和平稳定而共同努力,积极的维持现状。 "Maintaining the status quo may be the best way to develop cross-Straits relations, but it should not be done in a passive manner," Lien said. 连战说,维持现状可能是发展两岸关系的最佳途径,但是维持现状不应该是消极的维持。 By maintaining the status quo, both sides should seek more common grounds while reserving differences and create a win-win future for all the Chinese people across the Straits, he said. 通过维持现状,两岸都应该求大同存小异,为两岸所有的中国人民开创一个双赢的未来。 He quoted a famous Western saying "peace by pieces," saying that every Chinese should contribute his "piece" of efforts to the promotion of peace across the Taiwan Straits, and every Chinese should be held accountable for the well-being of the rest of the Chinese on the globe. 连战引用了一句西方的著名谚语,“点滴心血累积而成,Peace by pieces”。他说每一个中国人都应该为促进海峡两岸的和平尽一点力量。每一个中国人都应该为世界上其他中国人民的幸福负起责任。
Sinify = sinicize 使中国化,sinification是他的名词,de为“去掉,分散”的前缀。 |