

       Torgny Holmgren, Executive Director of Stockholm International Water Institute said that as an outcome of broad consultations prior to and during the 2013 World Water Week in Stockholm, a statement has been issued to call on the United Nations and its open working group to propose a goal on water.

  "Within the post 2015 development agenda, water should be considered and integrated into all relevant areas, such as energy and food security. Given the central role of water for individuals, ecosystems and economic development, water is a powerful tool for cooperation across borders, sectors and communities."
  Holmgren quoted the statement as saying that "a dedicated goal on water is necessary for a world where all people can live in safety and dignity."
  It is proposed to the United Nations that by 2030, three goals should be achieved.
  "One is doubling global water productivity, the second is a realization of the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation and finally increase resilience to water-related disasters."
  The statement illustrated that the demand for water resources is increasing dramatically and this presents significant development risks. Investing in water and sanitation is a basic requirement for safety and dignity and is compelling from an economic reality.
  The statement said that water is the fundamental link between the climate, the human society and the natural environment. Water-related disasters such as floods and droughts are the worst and most frequent natural calamities.
  Increasing resilience to water related disasters by comprehensive risk management, sustaining healthy ecosystems, improving water quality are prerequisites for the provision of safe water, food, energy and other basic needs for people and societies in the future.
  It has been decided that the theme for 2014 World Water Week will focus on water and energy.
  For CRI, this is Chen Xuefei reporting from Stockholm.